Access Database Viewer

What is this?


I often needed to view or to edit data / structure of an Access database without having Microsoft Access (Office) installed.
For this reason, I developed this small application. It allows to connect to an Access database (mdb), and view / change its data and its structure.

New: Added a "Code Insertion Assistant" that allows a simplier SQL commands writing. Also, added a beta version of the Compact Database command.

GMAS Access Database Viewer (.zip archive)
GMAS Access Database Viewer (.zip archive)



Developed with: Delphi
Operating System: Windows XP or newer
Licence: Using and distribution are free. It is forbidden to sell it.

How to use

Using is enough simple, if you're used to software development tools:

1. Un-zip (or un-rar) the program in a location on your computer.

2. Start the program and select an Access database (*.mdb) by using the "…" button (or by clicking onto the path text-edit).

Select an Access database (*.mdb) by using the '…' button (or by clicking onto the path text-edit)

3. On the left, you'll see table names of the selected database. On the right, you'll see fields names and types of the selected table.

On the left, you'll see table names of the selected database. On the right, you'll see fields names and types of the selected table.

4. Data in the selected table may be visually edited/deleted by activating the related options.

Data in the selected table may be visually edited/deleted by activating the related options.

5a. Changes to the database are possible using related buttons below Tables list and Fields list.

Changes to the database are possible using related buttons below Tables list and Fields list.

5b. Changes to the database are also possible by executing SQL statements (ADO compatible): UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, and so on.

Changes to the database are possible by executing SQL statements (ADO compatible): UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, and so on.


All software on this website is provided "AS IS;" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.
Propositive suggestions are welcome. You may contact me at:
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